Scheduling App


  • Java 11+ – Core programming language
  • JavaFX – GUI framework
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) – Database interaction
  • JavaDocs – Documentation tool
  • Concurrency


  • Java Programming
  • JavaFX UI Development
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • FXML Layout Design
  • Database Connectivity (MySQL)
  • DAO Pattern Implementation
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Scheduling App

This project is a JavaFX-based scheduling application designed for managing user appointments. It features a graphical user interface (GUI) built using FXML and loads localized resources using a ResourceBundle to support multiple languages. The application connects to a MySQL database using a DAO (Data Access Object) pattern for managing data persistence. The core functionality includes user authentication, scheduling appointments, and managing user data in an interactive JavaFX environment.

Upon launch, the application loads the User Login screen (UserLogin.fxml), allowing users to authenticate. The Time class handles time zone conversions and localization, ensuring that users in different regions see the correct appointment times. The Main class extends Application and initializes the JavaFX GUI, loading the FXML layout and applying localization settings dynamically.

This project follows software engineering best practices, including JavaDocs documentation, logging user activity (login_activity.txt), and structured file organization. Additional requirements include proper handling of Java lambdas, database connection management, and structured README documentation that details the application’s version, dependencies, and execution instructions.